"China Energy Conservation Cup" Achitectural Design Competition Finished Sucessfully


China Energy Conservation Cup" Achitectural Design Competition is the third university student architectureal design competition organized by Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang Branch of the architect ,China Green Building and Energy Committee of Zhejiang Committee and the Energy Development Co., Ltd. Zhejiang ,afer "KunHe Cup" and "Jianhong Cup".This competition is organized for students major in architecture or other related majors.The theme of the competition is the notion --energy consuption,environment-friendly and design with hign-tech in architectural design,which will surely promote the development of students.The organizing committee recieved 88 works from 233 students together with 150 tutors in 17 univesities.

Address: International Green Campus Alliance, Room 201, Wenyuan Building, Tongji university, No. 1239, Siping Road, Shanghai, China


Tel.:+86 21 65985402

Fax:+86 21 65983414